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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Closing up with pizza at Grimaldi's. Long line for takeout or
Last q from srubenfeld on ethics. @ him for deets. 30
Q should j schools continue to exist? Why not fold them into the rest of the uni? Cuny: learning a lot about a subject is important. Becomes too academic.
Rosenthere is a possibility there is no model. There may be just the internet. We have to know that is a possibiklity.
through ikt.
Rosen gives a history of j biz plans. Change is happening. Editorial workers have tol learn how to create value. Flood of content. We still need to sort
Rosen not clear how js will get paid. How did we get in this situation. Quotes shirky on dikstribution. Internet.
Anderson: cultural aspect is under fire. Economic model is related. Citj is not the reason. Its the busikness model.
QL how do i get paid. Celebrity twittering p.aid byh msn
Shepard; more ways to present a story. Next three to five years will be a mess. Bujt optimistic.
Open solurce has trouble covering day to day of bureaucracy. Need familiarity. Blogger can cover but every day of the year; anderson
Rosen _ yhou just stay thbere and we will deliver the news. Now seeing logic of distributdd methods arfe breaking thbrough.
What j projs lend to networking. They used to win pujlitzers. Anderson.
@srubenfeld. Says 70 percent of last class have jobs. 10 percent are freelancing.
Cuny dean talking about his j program: student want credentials and network. Faculty will go to bat for students.
Enrollment is up, they want to be journalists. Traing across all tracks. Reeimagine journalism for a new age.
Cuny will present some findings from Knight Foundation in August, business plans.
Cuny gives a stipend of 3G to students for internships. They raised the funds.
Good time to start a J school, Shepard says. Two thirds women 26 average age and forty pct minority,,
Stephen Shepard of cuny speaking first. Opened three years ago.
Medoia cicus on what is next for j schools. In a very cool space in Bk. dumbo
Phone gps works, heading to 63 Pearl st. To listen to talk olf futgure of j schools.